News from the farm...
Puppies! We have a couple of pups available to move to their permanent homes now from a fall litter. This litter is from our last Torrie X Ren daughter crossed with Danny Boy. I am a bit behind on website updates due to some family medical issues, but please call if you might be interested!

Instagram: We have awesome models! I have a camera and a phone! After three hours of youtubing and one sassy young Mexican's in-person tutorial, I've mastered how to log in... maybe.. if I can still remember that pesky password..... So check out our Instagram! (My computer is broken and I have limited access to a borrowed one. Please, please forgive all technology-associated slowness.)
Edited: October 19, 2024
"At the end of the day, if you are lucky, there is you and your dog."
Where we have been and where we are...
We are a simple country family who believes in old style farm dogs and want to maintain those bloodlines. We owned Australian shepherds to help on the farm in the early seventies. They helped work the stock; they found lost animals; they went hiking, canoeing, and horseback riding with us; and they babysat younger versions of Angela and Nathan. Eventually our original dogs grew old and passed away. When we tried to replace our Aussies, we discovered that a major change, or rather a split, had occurred in the breed. A significant portion of the Australian shepherds had been bred for conformation with little emphasis on preserving the working instinct. We purchased more than one of these dogs. They were smart, loyal, and all-around wonderful dogs albeit larger and fluffier than the old-style Aussies we had known before. Unfortunately, they did not have the instinct to help in the farm work. Rose Marie and Lou were not getting younger, and they really needed help on the farm.
Early in 2000, we performed an extensive search for the old-style Aussies that still had herding instinct. We purchased two puppies from Pincie Creek in Alabama- Monty and Gypsy Rose. With this new foundation, we have done our best to raise a line of dogs similar to the old-style Aussies that we used to own. We have retained females from our litters that best match our goals and bred them to carefully selected males from proven working lines. We have a strong influence of Hangin' Tree, Slash V, Pincie Creek, and Silverledge in our current dogs.
Obviously, our dogs must be able to help on the farm, but it is just as important that their personalities merge well with ours. We aren't particularly proper people and we like our dogs to have a healthy dose of quirky fun-loving clown in them. They must enjoy hiking, floating on the river, and exploring the great outdoors. We prefer dogs that can read our minds over dogs that are instantly obedient. Sometimes, we get confused and we would rather the dog do what we mean than what we asked. (Although they should listen when we are right!) They must have lots of "go-get-em" when we are playing or working and yet be able to curl into a quiet little ball in the corner of the floorbed when the whole family is packed into the truck for a grand adventure. And of course, they must be structurally sound. We like pretty dogs, but we don't breed for the heavy bone structure and large, fluffy coats commonly found in conformation-bred dogs. We do follow the ASCA breed standard and we want our dogs to be working and playing with us for a long healthy life. To put it simply, our dogs are part of our family and they have got to love us as much as we love them.